Link to Motorcycle
This song is quite different to the music I usually listen to but I find this song very calming, perfect to listen to when you have nothing to do and just want to sit back and chill out.
I had to listen to the words a few times to get them, at first I thought it was just about 2 friends who want 2 different things in life. One wants a baby and the other wants to go on adventures but then the words say that the adventurous one doesn't want to die and will leave her instruments to the friend. And the end is her promising she won't die out on the road. After listening to it a few times, it still sounds like the 2 friends who want different things but the adventurous one is promising that she will be ok when she goes off on her adventures because she is dying inside from not doing what she wants to. That's how I interpreted it anyway.
It is a very good song, definetly worth a listen.
Surprise Baby is from LA, this song appears on their upcoming EP so if you like it, make sure that you are following on all social media platforms to stay up-to-date!