Tell us about your latest release
We released our debut album “Pussycats And Monkeymen” the 18 th of May 2024.
What was the recording process like? Was it in a studio or do you do it all yourselves?
It's been a very intense experience since we recorded it at Jork Studios in Slovenia and this is one of the most prominent facilities in the country. For many reasons we had to record only during the weekends so it's been a parade of long, long days work.
How do you guys write the songs?
There's no given path, let's say that any of us can come up with an idea, strums it on a guitar and then we start crafting the arrangement all together.
What were your main influences while writing?
Since we all write, here again it's impossible to pin point the myriads of artists each one has in his background. That's good though because we never wanted to be a genre related band but we rather go where the inspirations lead us.
What is your favourite song on the new release and why?
It's very hard here, it's like having to choose among your children. Probably it must be “Bad Love” for the way it develops its structure and for the voice solo of our special guest Sara Cova.
How did you come up with the name of the release?
We were thinking at something like a circus where the presenter would say: “And now ladies and gentlemen the amazing, acrobatic number of pussycaaats and monkeymeeen!”.
Have you got any gigs or a tour coming up where people can hear the songs live?
If you come in the Trieste's area you have a good chance to bump into one of our gigs, we are also striving to broaden the range to central Europe.
