This is the latest release from Rory and it is an amazing album. There is a lot of deep emotions that you can really feel as you listen to the songs. You can tell she has been through a lot and it writing songs for people to relate to and know that there is hope for them.
If pain could talk, what would it say
This song feels like it sets the tone for the whole album, if you close your eyes, you can see Rory screaming "LOOK ME IN THE FACE" into your face to make sure you are paying attention. We hear you Rory.
In the Bible
I love this song, it's a great song to bring people hope. The lyrics I love the most are "Everything you lost will be restored", it touches on mental health and that when you are at your lowest, you can still pull through.
When asked about the song, Rory said"'In the Bible' is my way of reconciling my disdain for organised religion, and my reverence for the faith that saved me—it's about finding hope in the darkest of places, believing in the power of restoration, and turning brokenness into something beautiful”.
Loved this song from the first time I heard it. Rory's voice is quite angelic on this track, you can feel her pain, it's like she is pouring all of her emotions into you through the lyrics. It's a song that I can see people singing at the top of their lungs to when it's played live.

Hold on (ft. Roxanne Emery)
This is a good song but it's not one that I would pick to put in a playlist, I feel I would only listen to it again if I was listening to the album. It has strong lyrics but I just couldn't get into it.
This one has a fantastic beat and rhythm through it, it's verses have beautiful harmonies and then you get the chorus which is where the bet picks up. Even though it is a little slow in places, it still has you moving. This is a brilliant come back song, the lyrics say about her feeling choked and didn't think she would make it but they are all going to watch her "blossom" now.
Sherlock Holmes
I love this song, it starts off as an acoustic song and then more instruments come in but they blend beautifully with Rory's voice. I would love to see this one performed live as I can see everyone in the venue holding up a light and swaying to this one. It would look spectacular.
One Drink Away
This is a lovely song but it made me sad. You know that the lyrics are straight from Rory's heart about her alcohol addiction. I have never been in that position so I can only imagine how hard it is for someone constantly battling with an addiction. She sings about how great her life is now but how she is only one drink away from losing it.
Morality $uicide
If you needed a song to remind you how shit we are to each other and our planet, this is it. Talking about finding oil but not a cure for cancer, the government, war being a universal language, people starving, profit in disasters. Don't get me wrong, it is a great song, I love the levels of the song. The verses are a bit quieter so you can hear Rory reel off the issues and then the chorus is louder to bring the punch to the song.
I really like this one, I think it is really relatable for people. Not everyone is perfect, we do fuck up, we do things that we regret and we feel crap about it. We end up feeling like we are late to the party or that we are too old to be able to start something new, and the truth is that we aren't. It's never too late. no matter what anyone says.
The Atheist
A very chilled way to finish the album, although it is a sad song about a life being destroyed by another person, I take it she was drawing from her own experience for this one. But there is this slight sign of hope because she turned it around when she found faith. I love the dramatic parts of this song, the band turning it up to 11 and Rory belting out the lyrics so you feel every word deep down.