Rock is dead!!!
Oh yeah? According to who exactly? Because from what I have been hearing in the last few months rock is very much alive. Its just been taken back from the mainstream and put into the hands of people who really appreciate this kind of music, instead of posers and
wannabees, all fawning over the latest trend.
Well, rock ain’t no trend, it’s a full on way of life, and bands like The Black Vultures, Ryder, Rattleback, Loz Campbell and here in all their glory Big Canyon.are all waiting to take the crown from the ageing and dying old guard of rock, and I include all the NWBHM bands in that sentence. Move over Rover and let the young guns take over. This is NNWBHM – the new new wave of British heavy metal

So Big Canyon have been around for a few years, honing their craft to perfection. They
released, as a three piece, a mini album in 2020, but now hit us with a ten track self titled new album and a new member in Andi Meacock on vocals. And that was a great move. Andi looks like Robert Palmer, but screams like a banshee. He has the voice to take this band to a higher level, in conjunction with full on riffmeister guitarist Ben Williamson, with outstanding rhythm section of Julian Palmer on bass and Leon Ashley on drums, who pounds those skins in a very John Bonham kind of way.
They have already released two singles form this album, Rescue Me, and Falling, but the
rest of the tracks are equally appealing and bombastic. Except for Beautiful Mind which is an acoustic track,showing off the bands more tender side, and a chance for the listener to catch their breath before diving back into the mosh pit with Captain Of Your Soul.
The album starts on a Zeppelin kinda groove with Rescue Me, and ends on a Black Sabbath kinda groove with The Things You Do, with all other essential rock ingredients in between.
This band look the part, sound the part and definitely have my vote. If you are a rock lover check them out – they RAAWK!!! Like muvvers.
